Residential and commercial property owners are discovering a remodeling secret that uses a material found in almost every home, and business – concrete. Decorative concrete specialists at Custom Concrete Accents of Georgia make existing concrete look like wood floors, brick, marble, tile, granite, slate, and more for significantly less than

Custom Concrete Accents of Georgia provides concrete resurfacing that rejuvenates aging pavement. Throughout the Southeast Atlanta Metropolitan area homeowners are re-discovering their concrete patios, walks, and driveways. It means no longer accepting crumbling patios, but enjoying smooth, attractive concrete surfaces on their beautiful properties. Concrete Resurfacing Adds Value to Your

Concrete restoration is the process of repairing old and damaged concrete and restoring the entire surface to its original or better than original condition. Concrete is a durable material, but over time it will succumb to wear and tear. If your concrete is broken up, cracked, or discolored, you need

Concrete repair is an affordable temporary solution that can extend the life of old concrete by fixing broken, crumbling areas before the problem gets worse. Though concrete is designed to be a durable, long-lasting material, it can eventually succumb to wear and tear over time. If your concrete is crumbling,

Builders use concrete for floors because it's one of the few materials durable enough to stand up to the heavy traffic. These surfaces often endure abrasion, chemicals, and moisture exposure. However, that doesn't mean concrete slabs are indestructible. Left untreated the porous materials that concrete is made of will fail

Concrete doesn’t have to be dull. Custom Concrete Accents of Georgia specializes in improving your surfaces so that they shine, with reflective floors and counter tops. The Certified CTi process gives any concrete surface, from counter tops to patios, a unique and durable look. Benefits of Reflective Floors and Counter

Over time, concrete materials can begin to show signs of aging, resulting in cracking or fading. Since concrete is porous, concrete sealing is an ideal way to prevent water from seeping into your concrete surfaces and cause extensive damage. Concrete Technology Inc. certified concrete sealers from Custom Concrete Accents of Georgia

Concrete staining instantly transforms your cold and boring concrete surfaces into beautiful driveways, walkways, patios, and more. For many years, decorative concrete contractors have been using acid-based chemical concrete stains to achieve rich, earth-toned color schemes resembling natural stone, marble, wood, or even leather. CTi Certified Dealers are no longer

Residential and commercial property owners are discovering a remodeling secret that uses a material found in almost every home, and business – concrete. Decorative concrete specialists at Custom Concrete Accents of Georgia make existing concrete look like wood floors, brick, marble, tile, granite, slate, and more for significantly less than